What to Expect on your First Appointment

You might have booked a treatment because you love reflexology or you may have a specific issue you would like to address. It could be for relaxation or time out just for you.

Whatever the reason, you are very welcome.

"Wendy's reflexology has brought ease and healing into my life."
Anne Lillis

On your first appointment we will spend time together before your treatment begins. This is so that we can explore what has brought you to reflexology. It helps me to gain an understanding of your lifestyle, medical history and any current medications or treatment you are receiving so that I can give you the best level of care.

Everything we talk about is strictly confidential and any written information will be stored securely and accessible only by me.

For the treatment you will be lying comfortably on a padded reclining chair, allowing you to relax and enjoy the process. I use a cream made from beeswax, olive oil and sweet almond oil. If you are allergic to any of these ingredients I can use an alternative.

After the session we will review the treatment and if suitable I can offer some small suggestions and activities to try, including some hand reflex points for you to use between treatments.