About Reflexology

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing, non-invasive form of touch therapy which can be easily adapted to most people depending on their needs. It works on the principle that reflexes or areas on the feet and hands relate to all parts of the body. I use massage techniques and gentle pressure on the reflexes to promote deep relaxation, encourage balance and to stimulate the body's natural ability to self-heal. Reflexology is a holistic therapy used to treat each person as a whole rather than only in terms of their symptoms or illnesses. Reflexology is also a complimentary therapy meaning that it can work alongside conventional medical treatment.

Benefits of Reflexology Can Include:

Deep relaxation

Improved circulation

Improved sleep

Reduction in stress and anxiety

Lowered pain levels

Relief for digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhoea and nausea

Boosted immune system

Improved efficiency of detoxification

Reduction in muscle tension

A boost in energy levels

Relief from the side effects of medications

An increased sense of well-being

"By the end of the session I felt completely rested and revitalised."

Clifford Knowles

"Hi Wendy. Thank you so much for the treatment. I feel so much better today. My nervous system is much more settled and my digestion is more at ease. I really feel great benefit from your treatments."
Elizabeth Dunne